(Zhang Shenglin, Sun Yongqian)The 35thInternational Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE’24, CCF Recommended B-class International Conference in the Field of Software Engineering) was successfully held in Tsukuba, Japan from October 28 to October 31, 2024. Professor Zhang Shenglin and Professor Sun Yongqian from the School of Software at our university attended the conference and presented the research content of 5 accepted papers. They also won two Best Paper Awards at the conference - Best Paper Award and Best Industry Paper Award. Among them, the paper “Auto PIP: Real time Identification of Critical Performance Reflection Points in Software Stress Testing” co authored by Professor Zhang Shenglin and Professor Sun Yongqian with Huawei Cloud Computing Company, Tsinghua University and other units won the Best Industry Paper Award, and this work was supported by the “CCF Huawei Populus euphratica Foundation”.

Best Industrial Paper Award Certificate

Best Industrial Paper Award Ceremony (with Zhang Shenglin in the middle and Sun Yongqian on the left)
In addition, Professor Sun Yongqian's collaborative paper "Exploring Hierarchical Patterns for Alert Aggregation in Supercomputers" with the National University of Defense Technology and the National Supercomputing Tianjin Center won the Best Paper Award.

Best Research Paper Award Certificate

Best Research Paper Award Ceremony (with Sun Yongqian in the middle)
In addition, Professor Zhang Shenglin serves as the co chair of the Artifact Evaluation Track and a member of the Program Committee for the Research Track.