Shenglin Zhang

Shenglin Zhang is an associate professor at the College of Software, Nankai University. His research interests focus on AIOps, including anomaly detection, failure diagnosis, root cause analysis, failure prediction, etc., for software/network service management. He has published 30+ papers in international conferences, including ATC, VLDB, SIGMETRICS, CoNEXT, INFOCOM, IJCAI, ISSRE, IWQOS, etc., and peer-reviewed journals, including IEEE TC/TSC/TNSM, etc. Additionally, he had won the Best Research Paper Award at ISSRE 2018. He is the PI of 8 projects funded by NSFC, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Huawei, ByteDance, ZTE, CERNET, etc. He went to Alibaba as a visiting scholar during 2018-2019.

Before joining Nankai University, he got his Ph. D. in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, and he was awarded the “Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University”. His advisers were Professor Dan Pei and Professor Ying Liu. He went to the School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology as a visiting scholar, supervised by Professor Jun (Jim) Xu in 2016. Before going to Tsinghua University, he attended Xidian University and received his B.S. in Network Engineering in 2012. He did his internship in Baidu, one of the largest search engines in the world, from 2014 to 2017. From November 2017 to May 2018, Prof. Dan Pei and he successfully launched AIOps Challenge, which is the first competition in the area of AIOps. In addition, they also successfully organized the First AIOps Workshop on May 19, 2018.

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