Bo Zhang




Hegot a bachelor degree, a master degree and a Ph.D degree respectively from Xi’an Jiaotong university, Nankai university and City university of Hongkong in 1993, 1996 and 2001.


Electronic Engineering


Research direction:

Audio and speech signal processing,deep learning

Education and Work experience

Since July 2001, he worked at Nankai university. He serviced as a vice dean of the College of Software during 2002 to 2013, managing the education activities of the college. He is now working as a professor of the college and doing research on audio and speech signal processing and deep learning. As to teaching, he published a book “C++ techniques inside Qt” in 2012.As to research, he cooperated with a professor in city university of Hongkong and constructed a Mandarin e-learning system by utilizing speech technologies. He cooperated with Tianjin public security bureau to conduct a research on speech recognition. Recently, he works on audio signal based anomaly detection for power generating devices.


Contribution reward for construction of national pilot software college, 2011.

A paper on teaching “selection of C++ programming cases” received 2010-2011 Excellent Paper reward.

Received Hongkong Jinqiao teaching reward in 2004.

A course “object oriented analysis and design” received Best Course reward from Nankai university in 2004.


Tao Liu, Meiqian Duan, Luyang Sun, Bo Zhang. An Auditory Measure for Anomaly Detection based on Auto-encoders. 2022 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Machine Learning(CACML 2022). March 25-27, 2022, Hangzhou, China.

Renhang HONG, Yang ZHOU, Shenghe SHI, Bo ZHANG, Fast Clustering for Redundancy Removal In Audio Anomaly Detection, Proceedings of 2022 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), April 22-24, 2022, Chengdu, China.

Shan Huang, Shenghe Shi, Bo Zhang, Application of Noise Adaptation Layer for Phoneme Recognition with Noisy Labels, Proceedings of the 2021 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition(ICAIPR 2021),June 25-27,2021,Beijing,China.

Yunhao Zhang, Bo Zhang, Zhenhui Zhou, “Zero-Copy Data Transfer for an OpenCL API Remoting System”, International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics(ICCCBDA-2019), April 10-13, 2020, Chengdu, China.

Chen Li, Bo Zhang, Shan Huang, Zhenhuan Liu, "Using Noisy Word-level Labels to Train a Phoneme Recognizer based on Neural Networks by Expectation Maximization",International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition (ICCPR 2019), October 23-25, 2019, Beijing, China.

Bo Zhang, Yuqin Gan, Yan Song, and Benlai Tang, "Application of Pronunciation Knowledge on Phoneme Recognition by LSTM Neural Network", International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 4-8 December, 2016, Cancun, Mexicon
