Wang Chao

Name:Chao Wang

Title: AssociateResearchFellow


Major:Software Engineering

Research direction:Theoretical Computer Science;Machine Learning; Computer Vision

Education and Work experience

Chao Wangreceived the Ph. D. degreeand Bachelor’s degreeinApplied mathematicsfrom Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 2003. Hehad a postdoctoral fellowship for two yearsin Tsinghua University between 2003-2005.


Chao Wangis currently anassociateresearchfellow with the College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. His research interests includetheoreticalcomputerscience,machinelearningandcomputer vision. He haspublishedmore than30 papers in related areas.

Publications(Some recently published papers)

1.Nan Li, Yifang Xu , Chao Wang, Quasi-Homography Warps in Image Stitching, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol.20(6),1365-1375, June, 2018.

2.Nan Li, Tianli Liao, Chao Wang, Perception-based seam cutting for image stitching, Signal Image & Video Processing, Vol.12(5),967-974, July, 2018.

3.Xiaoyan Zhang, Chao Wang, Solutions to All-Colors Problem on Graph Cellular Automata, Complexity, 2019, 1-11.

4.Chao Wang, Rachel Bass, Tao Li, Hua Wang, Functions on Degrees and Eccentricities in Trees, ARS Combinatoria, Vol.153,285-299, 2020.

5.Chao Wang, Hua Wang, Yuzhi Zhang, The r-Hamming gap and distance-gap-preserving mappings from binary vectors topermutations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.365, 1-9, 2020.

6.Gebremeskel Hagos Gebremedhin, Frank Chao Wang, Design and Development of Enhanced Morphological Analyzer for Ge'ez VerbsUsing Memory Based Learning Algorithms, The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, Vol.8(7), 1-11, 2020.

7.Xinyu Du, Chao Wang, Tianze Wang, Zeyu Gao, Efficient methods with polynomial complexity to determine the reversibility ofgeneral 1D linear cellular automata over Zp, Information Sciences, Vol.594, 163–176, 2022.

8.Chao Wang, Zeyu Gao, Qiankun Lu. Parallax-Based Color Correction in Image Stitching, ICIVC 2020, pp.69-74.

9.Zijun Guo, Chao Wang. Low Light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Retinex and Dehazing Model, ICRAI 2020.
