The commencement of 2021 and 2022 master's program of Software College was successfully held

On the morning of June 19th, the commencement of the 2021 and 2022 software engineering master's degree program of Nankai University was held in the first floor lecture hall of the Xingshen Building at the Balitai Campus. Vice President of the International Business Officials Training College of the Ministry of Commerce Mr. Xu Kai, Vice President of Nankai University Mr. Zhu Shoufei, former President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, Executive Director of the China New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy Research Institute, Director of the Information and Innovation Haihe Laboratory, Dr. Gong Ke, Deputy2 Director of the Foreign Economic Department and 2nd Researcher of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Ms. Li Liping, Representative of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Tianjin Binhai New Area, Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Nankai University Ms. Shao Qinghui, Vice Dean of the College of International Education of Nankai University Mr. Wang Hongchang, and Dean of the College of Software Dr. Zhang Yuzhi attended. The commencement was presided over by the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Software College Mr. Hu Jun.

62 international students from 19 countries and regions including Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Iraq attended the commencement. The commencement started with the solemn sound of the national anthem.

Zhu Shoufei congratulated the international students and hoped that they would contribute their efforts to the local development of technology, education, culture, and society, and contribute to the establishment of friendly cooperation with China. He also hoped that the international students would be positive, brave in exploration, constantly innovate, and deepen cooperation.

Xu Kai expressed the hope that international students can use their knowledge to better serve the economic and social development of their country, become friendly ambassadors for promoting pragmatic cooperation between the two countries, build bridges of friendship between the two countries, and wish them a happy graduation and a promising future.

Mr. Oscar, the representative of international students, also took the stage to speak, thanking the Chinese government and Nankai University for providing learning opportunities, and expressing sincere gratitude for the meticulous management of the college.

Zhang Yuzhi told international students that software engineering is a rapidly developing industry and discipline, and hopes that international students will continue to adhere to the motto of Nankai University and make more contributions to their respective countries and ethnic groups. Maintain contact, consolidate friendship, and cooperate more with China for development.

Gong Ke sincerely congratulates the international students on successfully completing their studies. He uses the five key words "BEIJING, ENGINEERING, GREENING, INTELLIGENCE, NANKAI" to encourage them to uphold the spirit of Nankai, shoulder their mission, and contribute to creating a better world and promoting sustainable human development!

Subsequently, Xu Kai, Zhu Shoufei, and Gong Ke each presented graduation certificates to the graduates, and the attending guests presented souvenirs to the graduates.

The Aid to Developing Countries Degree Education Program aims to cultivate high-end technical, economic, and management talents for recipient countries. Since its establishment, the program has played an important role in helping developing countries cultivate talents and promoting foreign cooperation, and is increasingly welcomed by developing countries.

The College of Software Engineering has been approved to undertake this project since 2017, and is the only unit in China to undertake the software engineering discipline. It is also one of the most recruited foreign degree programs in China. The students have undergone strict screening at all levels and have a high level of quality. The project program lasts for two years, with full English teaching and thesis guidance. The successful hosting of the Master's program in Software Engineering has effectively promoted the internationalization process of our university.

Vice Dean Ms. Sun Wei, Mr. Zhang Yi, Dr. Xie Maoqiang, Mr. Li Lin, and some teachers and students from the College of Software attended the commencement.